Monday 9 January 2017

Terrifying moment a blonde woman attacks two innocent 7-Eleven customers with an AXE in savage assault - before calmly walking away

  • She can be seen chatting with man for a minute before swinging it into his face
  • Attacker then hits second victim in the back of the head before strolling away
  • Police have arrested Evie Amati, 24, who is charged with two counts of GBH
  • Sharon Hacker, 43, suffered fractured skull while  Benjamin Rimmer, 32, has a serious head injury and is still in hospital
It could be any night in a suburban 7-Eleven store - as CCTV shows customers queuing for milk and wandering though the aisles.
But this is Enmore, in Sydney's inner west, on Saturday night - and two customers are about to be hacked in the head in a brutal and seemingly random attack.
The first indication that anything is amiss is when a young blonde woman strolls in at around 2.20am holding a long-handled axe in her left hand.

She appears calm as she approaches a man waiting in line and chats to him for around a minute before swinging the axe into his face.
As he collapses on the ground in shock, she brings the weapon up a second time before crashing it down on the back of another woman's head as she tries to leave.

The attacker then takes a second swing at the woman as she is sprawled on the floor, before strolling away as if nothing has happened.

As she leaves she can be seen taking a kitchen knife from the back pocket of her jeans and tossing it on the ground, footage obtained by shows.
The man is Benjamin Rimmer, 32, who sustained major head injuries and is now in hospital in a serious but stable condition.
The second victim is 43-year-old Sharon Hacker, who was told by paramedics that only her thick dreadlocks saved her from having her head taken clean off.
And police allege that the attacker is Evie Amati, 24, a union organiser who is now in custody charged with two counts of grievous bodily harm with intent.
Amati did not apply for bail during her first court appearance, and was remanded in custody until her next hearing on Thursday.
However, she did request medication to treat depression as well as two hormone pills typically taken by transgender individuals transitioning from male to female.
She asked the court to supply her with Progynova and Spiractin, which boost oestrogen production and reduce testosterone, respectively, and Zoloft - an antidepressant, according to The Daily Telegraph

Police say they were called to reports of an attack inside a 7-Eleven store at roughly 2.25am on Saturday morning.
Officers say they arrested Amati on a nearby street with the axe in her possession, and later recovered a kitchen knife from the scene.
Nathan Wood, who watched the attack unfold and followed the assailant while calling police, said she also swung the axe at another man on the street but only nicked his clothes. 

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