Friday 27 January 2017

Theresa May has arrived in Washington ahead of crunch trade talks with President Trump

UK prime minister  Theresa may arrived in Washington last night ahead of crunch trade talks with Donald Trump that will help shape the way Britain and America co-operate in the post-Brexit world.

The pair will attempt to sweep aside as many trade barriers as they can ahead of Britain leaving the EU when they meet this evening UK time at the White House.

The Prime Minister will also attempt to secure Mr Trump's commitment to supporting NATO after earlier calling it 'the cornerstone of the West's defence'.

Officially the UK cannot engage in formal negotiations on its own free trade deals with third countries while it remains a member of the EU.

But yesterday Mrs May told senior US politicians: 'I think there is much we can do in the interim in terms of looking at how we can remove some of the barriers to trade in a number of areas, so we are able to see an advantage to both of us even if we haven't been able to sign that legal free trade agreement.'

In the same speech in Pennsylvania, Mrs May ripped up two decades of 'failed' liberal interventionist foreign policy that has dragged Britain into a string of disastrous conflicts.

And in a decisive break with the Blair and Cameron eras, the Prime Minister said the days of the UK using military force to 'remake sovereign countries in our own image' were finished.

Speaking to a gathering of top Republicans, she laid out a new set of rules which will see the UK intervene only when the 'threat is real' and it is in our own interests.

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