Tuesday 17 January 2017

What a good sport! Kim Kardashian gets beaten on game show Big Fan... during quiz portion about herself

It seems like her fans know her better than she even knows herself. 

Kim Kardashian went head to head with a super fan on an episode of ABC's new game show Big Fan, which was originally taped in April 2016.
On the Monday show, her fan Colt Paulsen correctly answered questions about Kim, beating the star herself.
Kim, who noted that while she knows the answers but can't hit the buzzer fast enough, lost 2-7 to Colt.

She also incorrectly guessed the carat weight for her engagement ring from Kanye West.
The 36-year-old guessed it was 12 carats, but the show's host Andy Richter revealed it was 15 carats, and that they obtained the answer from Kanye himself. 
'How many carats is Kim's engagement ring from Kanye?', the host asked Kim and Colt.
Kim, who was the first to hit the buzzer, answered with some hesitation in her voice: '12?' 
'Sorry, no!' host Andy responded, shocking Kim.
'It's 15!' Andy added. 'Well, we got the information from Kanye, so maybe he upped the number.'   

Colt, 21, correctly answered questions about the name of Kim's single - which is Jam (Turn It Up) and also where her 14th birthday took place - Michael's Jackson's Neverland ranch.
He was also right was he said the name of her exercise DVD was Fit In Your Jeans By Friday, that her middle name was Noel and that her idol was Jennifer Lopez.
Kim hit the buzzer before Colt and got the answer right for the question about her son Saint's weight when he was born - eight pounds one ounce - and who her senior prom date was - TJ Jackson. 
The Nebraska native also answered the question on what type of car Kim bought Kanye for his 35th birthday, which was a Lamborghini
Andy asked Kim if she has bought him any more cars, to which she divulged that she bought her husband an 'ATV and Spyder motor things.'
And before the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star could finish, Colt said 'For Christmas right?' 
The show was filmed six months before she was robbed in Paris of $10 million dollars worth of jewelry - including the 20 carat $4 million diamond ring that she wore during the taping.
Kim posed for a selfie with the super fan while standing in front of a picture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. 
For the episode, Kim wore a black bodysuit with a matching colored cardigan and a cross choker; she also wore her second engagement ring - which was 20 carats. 
Colt beat out two other mega fans during Big Fan - with questions like how many selfies are in Kim's book Selfish (480) and how her character in the 2008 film Disaster Movie was killed - which was by meteor.
Another question was who - Kim, Kanye or neither - revealed that they can smell cavities - with the correct answer being Kim.
He also correctly guessed that neither Kim or Kanye exclaim that 'meatloaf is inside me' - Kris Jenner famously said that.
Lastly, in her book Selfish, there are butt selfies, cleavage selfies, nude selfies but only one of what type of selfie - the answer being a baby bump selfie. 

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