Sunday 5 February 2017

Donald Trump 'avoids holding Melania's hand in public because he wants to look like a presidential alpha,' says body language expert

Donald Trump won't hold his wife Melania's hand in public because he wants to be seen as a presidential alpha, a body language expert has said.
The president and first lady had an awkward hand-hold Friday on the tarmac of the Palm Beach International Airport. He had just arrived on Air Force One for a visit to his Mar-A-Lago resort.
Trump and Melania were holding hands when he first got off the plane. But the president abruptly let go to clap with the well-wishers who were there to greet him. Melania reached for his hand again, at which point he brought her hand up towards him, gave it two pats - and dropped it once more.

'Typically a hand-hold shows a couple as a unit,' body language expert Patti Wood told the 'But to me, I think he's been saying, "I want to be seen as the president on my own", which is very much alpha. "I want to be just the powerful me." And it's clear that that's his choice.'
Footage of the interaction shows first Lady Melania was at first all smiles as she waited patiently to be reunited with her husband after his whirlwind week in Washington.
She gave the president a kiss when he got off the plane, in what was her first public appearance since Trump's inauguration two weeks ago.
Melania went to hold his hand as they made their way across the tarmac, but Trump then appeared to drop his wife's hand twice.
The couple initially walked behind a car on the tarmac while holding hands. 

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