Thursday 19 January 2017

Barack Obama told Donald Trump: 'You can't do it by yourself'

Barack Obama has revealed in his last news conference as President that he advised Donald Trump not to make decisions on his own.
In a wide-ranging question-and-answer session, the outgoing commander-in-chief discussed his thoughts and feelings on his successes and failures and what expects in the future.
Without stating the detail of what he told the incoming President, he said in some "fairly lengthy" conversations he recommended he should seek the help of his advisers.
He said: "A lot of his views are going to be shaped by his advisers are the people around him, which is why it is important to listen to the confirmation hearings.
"This is something I have told him, this is the job of such magnitude that you can't do it by yourself.
"You are enormously reliant on the team, your Cabinet, your senior White House staff.
"How do make sure they are getting you the right information? That is probably the most useful advice and the most constructive advice I have been able to give him."

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