Wednesday 25 January 2017

President Trump will start building Mexico border wall Today and is set to Ban people from Syria and six other 'dangerous' Muslim countries from entering America by signing executive orders

President Donald Trump will begin rolling out executive actions on immigration Wednesday, beginning with steps to tighten border security - including his proposed wall along the US-Mexico border. 
The president is also expected to take action over the next few days to temporarily ban immigration from Muslim countries deemed a 'threat to national security' - namely Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia.
In addition, Trump is set to sign other domestic immigration enforcement measures that will include targeting sanctuary cities that decline to prosecute undocumented aliens.
The Donald will get started with an executive order authorizing the wall on Wednesday, while the immigration bans are still being finalized and could come later in the week.
The president posted a tweet on Tuesday evening signaling that major announcements were in the offing.
'Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow,' Trump tweeted. 'Among many other things, we will build the wall!'
The new Trump directives will also stop most refugees including those from Syria coming to America while vetting processes are reviewed. 
The one exception is religious minorities fleeing persecution - which would apply to Christians fleeing Syria and other Muslim majority countries, according to several congressional aides and immigration experts briefed on the matter.
The proposed plans include at least a four-month halt on all refugee admissions, as well as temporary ban on people coming from some Muslim majority countries, according to a representative of a public policy organization that monitors refugee issues. 
There is also likely to be an exception in the refugee stoppage for those fleeing religious persecution if their religion is a minority in their country. 
That exception could cover Christians fleeing Muslim-majority nations. 
The Republican president was expected to sign the orders at the Washington headquarters of the Department of Homeland Security, whose responsibilities include immigration and border security. 
On the campaign trail, Trump initially proposed a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States to protect Americans from jihadist attacks. 
Both Trump and his nominee for attorney general, U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions, have since said they would focus the restrictions on countries whose migrants could pose a threat, rather than placing a ban on people who follow a specific religion. 

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